2POOD Wrist Wraps

Product image 12POOD Wrist Wraps
Product image 22POOD Wrist Wraps
Product image 32POOD Wrist Wraps
Product image 42POOD Wrist Wraps
Product image 52POOD Wrist Wraps
Product image 62POOD Wrist Wraps

Regular price $24.00 CAD

The perfect wrist wrap in our humble opinion.  

The Official Wrist Wraps of the CrossFit Games!

Our wraps provide just the right amount of wrist support anytime you need it.  Use them for greater wrist stability anytime you are pressing or going overhead during weightlifting, Powerlifting, and Strongman training.

Sold in pairs

  • 12" stretched wrap
  • Cotton / elastic / polyester blend that absorbs excess moisture and won’t irritate the skin.
  • Includes convenient thumb loop and hook-and-loop closure for a secure fit, easy adjustments, and quick removal.

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